City College
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus
York, UK
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece

06 December 2019

Christmas Party by our English Studies Department

Keeping its tradition, the English Studies Department spread the Christmas spirit with a joyous Christmas Party that took place 3, December 2019 at our main campus in Thessaloniki with students and staff exchanging wishes and having fun over Christmas homemade delicacies. Enjoy reading a reappropriation of the poem "Twas the Night Before Christmas" that Dr Cathy Marazi put together, inspired by the festive day!

Christmas Party by CITY College English Studies Department

Enjoy Season Delight

‘Twas the English Studies Department annual party before X-mas, when all through the premises,

not a student was stirring, not even in the entrances;

Two stockings to hang but on what chimney oh where,

Yet all in hopes that St. Nick soon would be there;

Suddenly, pupils appear going to class, after a long break, so well fed,

While visions of candy-cane coffee breaks continue to fill their head;

And lecturers on alert for anything asap,

Proceeded to their lesson recap;

When from the Multi-purpose room arose such a clatter,

Some sprang from their seats to see what was the matter;

ESD students darting back n’ forth in a flash,

Commencing their X-mas festivities with joy and panache;

Eyes and twinkle lights were lit aglow

The only thing missing uh mistletoe,

When, what to their wondering minds should appear,

But tree-trimmings, emoji carols, games, gifts and pictures, dear;

With enthralled youth, so lively and quick,

ESD staff must stay on their toes with more than a party trick.

And though there was not time for a spelling-bee game,

We all had fun just the same.

Now students and staff this poem may be influenced by fiction,

But at this time of the year that kind of holiday spirit kicks in.

From students to teachers, lest we need a roll-call,

We all crave joy and cheer on the holidays y’all.

As dry leaves in the fierce wind fly,

So too we await the holiday break with a sigh,

So buckle up, only a few weeks before we bid you adieu,

Yes, we know students you’ll miss us, we will too.

But these parties are proof,

That sometimes we can make time to be a little aloof.

So while obligations and deadlines may be comin’ round,

Do not despair, soon you will feel content and sound.

Dressed in your party clothes from head to foot,

With no reason to stay put,

The New Year is approaching so why look back,

Unless it’s to set resolutions for a new track.

Now is the time to be thankful, jolly and merry,

With Jack-Frost nipped cheeks rosy like a cherry.

As you wrap up the presents tightening the bow,

And maybe secretly singing Let it snow?

Caroling or shopping in this cold, can we avoid clenching our teeth,

But it is necessary to get provisions like tinsel and don’t forget the wreath;

Come that holiday family dinner that fills the belly,

We’ll all laugh, sigh, and drift asleep in front of the telly.

But now is also the time when one does not just think of oneself,

Now is also the time to bring happiness to others, kinda like a Santa elf.

So help the joy spread,

Yes, there are still those who have no food, clothes, even a bed.

And if some of you may not be carefree but still have to work,

Do not fret, do not pout, please do not go berserk.

You will have time to rest your weary toes,

And have fun whilst taking memorable photos.

But before school’s out at the sound of the whistle,

And you all commence your festivities (fo’shizzle).

We exclaim that you Enjoy Season Delight,

Merry X-mas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanza from all of the ESD,

We now bid you goodnight!

Christmas Party by CITY College English Studies Department


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