My Executive MBA Day in Yerevan
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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My Executive MBA Day in Yerevan

My Executive MBA Day in Yerevan - CITY College

Thursday, 27 February 2020
6:00 pm
Armenia Marriott Hotel | Ararat Hall, Yerevan

CITY College invites you to the presentation of its prestigious Executive MBA programme offered in Yerevan!

Open MBA Class & Workshop

Experience a real time Executive MBA class and join an exciting workshop!

18.00 - 18.10

Short Presentation of Executive MBA Programme in Yerevan

18.10 - 18.55
My Open MBA class:
"A Macroeconomic Approach of Armenia in the Context of Caucasus and Central Asia Oil-importing and Oil-exporting Countries”
with Dr. Petros Golitsis, Lecturer in Economics, CITY College

19.00 - 20.00
“Meet the CEO: A Journey to the Top”
with Prof. Leslie Szamosi, Director of the Executive MBA programme, CITY College

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