Successful seminar on Neuropsychology by Dr Anna Emmanouel in Skopje
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Successful seminar on Neuropsychology by Dr Anna Emmanouel in Skopje

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 a seminar on Neuropsychology organised by the Psychology Department of the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, CITY College took place successfully, introducing students to the fundamentals of neuropsychology, a novel topic for them. The event was well-organised in cooperation with the psychology students’ association, PSIHESKO.

Successful seminar on Neuropsychology by Dr Anna Emmanouel in Skopje

The seminar was delivered by Dr. Anna Emmanouel, Clinical Neuropsychologist and Lecturer at the Psychology Department of the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield. During her insightful presentation Dr. Emmanouel shared her experience, while participants expressed great interest showing that neuropsychology is a promising and very interesting topic.

Successful seminar on Neuropsychology by Dr Anna Emmanouel in Skopje

The seminar comprised two parts. The first part was on cognitive neuroscience, its aims, advanced neuroimaging methods that are used to define brain pathology as well as differentiations in brain pathology between different types of dementias and how this is reflected on patients' neuropsychological profile in different stages of the disease. The second part was on clinical neuropsychology, that is application of this knowledge into clinical practice, emphasis was given on the methods that clinical neuropsychologists use to measure brain dysfunction in patients with acquired brain damage, the psychometric properties of these methods and the contribution of the neuropsychological assessment outcome to set treatment goals and apply interventions adjusted to patients' needs and difficulties. During the lectures, many videos were presented, introducing participants in the newness of neuroscience and cases of brain-injured patients with great research and clinical interest.

The seminar was open to the public and was just one of the many events organised by the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield in Skopje, aiming at disseminating knowledge, often in cooperation with a large number of local institutions and organisations.

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