Executive MBA Induction in Bucharest
Κολέγιο CITY College
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Executive MBA Induction in Bucharest

Induction Day for our Executive MBA programme was successfully held in Bucharest 16 November 2017.

Dr. Leslie Szamosi, Academic Director of the programme warmly welcomed all new students and guided them through the Induction. Mr Adam Sambrook, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Bucharest and Mr Kevin McLaven, Director of English Language Services at the British Council in Bucharest honoured the event with their presence and addresses a short welcome to our students.

The Executive MBA of the International Faculty in Bucharest - Dr. Leslie Szamosi, Academic Director of the programme warmly welcomed all new students

Mr. Sambrook and Mr. Mclaven congratulated the new Executive MBA students for choosing this programme, but also for being accepted to study for a prestigious Top 100 World University, the University of Sheffield. They both put particular emphasis on the benefits of studying in the British educational system and the amazing opportunities that await them after successfully graduating from the programme.

The Executive MBA of the University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College in Bucharest

Ms Claudia Tudor, MBA alumnus who recently graduated with distinction from our Executive MBA programme, also joined the event and shared her MBA experience together with extremely useful advice on how to combine a full time job and studying at the University of Sheffield MBA programme. She encouraged the students to always discuss with their professors and ask questions in the classroom in order to make the most of their study time. Most importantly, she shared with the new students how the programme changed her perception about each business discipline and how she put into practice the newly acquired knowledge.

Overall, it was a successful Induction, leaving the students motivated and fully prepared to begin their studies. The International Faculty has been offering the prestigious Executive MBA programe in Bucharest since 2006, educating business leaders from many big companies and organization across Romania. 



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