Pan-European Executive MBA: Study Trip 2024 in Thessaloniki
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Pan-European Executive MBA: Study Trip 2024 in Thessaloniki

  • Managers and professionals participating in our Pan-European Dual Degree Executive MBA programme, delivered by CITY College Europe Campus across eight countries in the region, enjoyed a study week in Thessaloniki, Greece filled with joint classes, networking opportunities, and engaging activities during the annual Study Trip at our main campus in Thessaloniki.

  • The Pan-European Executive MBA is a unique dual degree MBA programme jointly offered by CITY College, University of York Europe Campus and the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Strasbourg. Graduates are awarded two MBA degrees by two leading universities, the University of York (UK) and the University of Strasbourg (France).

  • An exceptional opportunity for genuine international educational experience and professional networking.

  • The 13th edition of the Strategic People Management Workshop was successfully held within the context of the Study Trip.

CITY College Pan-European Executive MBA - Study Trip 2024 in Thessaloniki

An engaging MBA Study Trip took place successfully at our main campus in Thessaloniki from 6th to 13th April 2024, with the second-year MBA students participating in the Pan-European Executive MBA programme. An exciting MBA Study MBA participants attending the programme in all eight cities (Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia, Kyiv, Yerevan, Tbilisi and Baku) where it is offered joined the Study Trip in Thessalonki and enjoyed a mix of classes, seminars, lots of networking, leisure time and exciting outings.

CITY College Pan-European Executive MBA - Study Trip 2024 in Thessaloniki

CITY College Pan-European Executive MBA - Study Trip 2024 in Thessaloniki

Specialised MBA Modules for specialised knowledge in management areas

The study trip kicked off with students attending the first track units of the MBA specialisation they have chosen and gaining insights in the one of the six (6) specialised areas of the MBA (i.e. General Management, Marketing, Finance, Logistics, Healthcare Management, Human Resources Management). MBA participants not only deepened their knowledge in their field but also had the opportunity to network with managers and professionals from other countries working in the same industry sector.

CITY College Pan-European Executive MBA - Study Trip 2024 in Thessaloniki

CITY College Pan-European Executive MBA - Study Trip 2024 in Thessaloniki

13th Strategic People Management Workshop

Themed ‘Evolutionary Leadership Theory: Biological & Neuroscientific Perspectives on Leadership Practice’, the 13th Strategic People Management Workshop took place on the 10th of April as part of the MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki. The event was co-organised by Prof. Leslie T. Szamosi, Director of our Pan-European Executive MBA and Prof. Alexandros Psychogios, Professor of HRM & OB, Loughborough University, while keynore speakers, Prof Psychogios and Dr Manousos Klados, Associate Professor at our Psychology Department, shared their insights on the topic.

13th Strategic People Management Workshop at CITY College

13th Strategic People Management Workshop at CITY College

Risk Management Seminar by Mr. Fourtounas

As part of the Study Trip in Thessaloniki, MBA students attended an enlightening Management Development Seminar on 'Project Risk Management' by Mr. Athanasios Fourtounas, Economist and Director of Logistics in JLSG NATO (Italy).

Project Risk Management Seminar by Mr Athanasios Fourtounas at CITY College

Project Risk Management Seminar by Mr Athanasios Fourtounas at CITY College

Boat trip in Thermaikos Gulf

The boat trip in Thermaikos Gulf has become a tradition of the Thessaloniki MBA Study Trip. Our MBA students enjoyed a delightful break from classes as they marveled at the city's stunning views while sailing.

Boat trip in Thermaikos Gulf for CITY College MBA students

Boat trip in Thermaikos Gulf for CITY College MBA students

MBA students he MBA students made the most of their time in Thessaloniki, engaging in joint classes and activities. The Annual Study Trip in Thessaloniki is one of the programme’s key features (and one of the three Study Trips of the programme in total, with the other two being in York UK and Strasbourg, France) enhancing the programme’s international dimension.


Photo Gallery

To view more photos please see the link below:

MBA Study Trip 2024 in Thessaloniki photo gallery


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