Free Memory Test Day by CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and YMCA
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Free Memory Test Day by CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and YMCA

  • A successful event with a substantial turnout in Thessaloniki

  • More than 100 people had the opportunity to do a free preventive memory test

  • A great opportunity for our student volunteers from the postgraduate programmes in Cognitive Neuropsychology and Clinical Neuropsychology of CITY College who participated in the activity to put their knowledge into practice, as well as offer to the community.

The Free Memory Test Day took place with great success by CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and the YMCA

The Free Memory Test Day organised by CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, the Hellenic Society of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (Alzheimer Hellas) and YMCA was held with great success and large attendance on Wednesday, 20 March 2024 at the premises of YMCA in Thessaloniki.

The Free Memory Test Day took place with great success by CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and the YMCA

More than 100 people had the opportunity to do a free preventive memory test and receive the results and corresponding instructions. The supervision of the event was undertaken by Ms Georgia Papaioannou, Lecturer in Neuropsychology at the Department of Psychology of CITY College and Ms Magda Ouzouni, Psychologist at Alzheimer Hellas. Student volunteers from the postgraduate programmes in Cognitive Neuropsychology and Clinical Neuropsychology of CITY College also participated in the activity and had the chance to put their knowledge into practice as well as offer to the community.

The Free Memory Test Day took place with great success by CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and the YMCAThe Free Memory Test Day took place with great success by CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and the YMCA

The event was attended by Dr Madga Tsolaki, Neurologist-Psychiatrist-Theologist Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and President of the President of the Panhellenic Federation of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Dr Suzie Savvidou, Head of the Psychology Department of CITY College, Dr Manousos Klados, Associate Professor of the Psychology Department of CITY College, Ms Aristi Tzoni, Directorate for Action and Social Offer of YMCA, as well as other representatives of the three organising bodies.

The Free Memory Test Day took place with great success by CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and the YMCA

The Free Memory Test Day took place in the context of the social responsibility action of CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and YMCA with the aim of promoting the prevention of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, as well as informing the public and raising awareness.

The Free Memory Test Day took place with great success by CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and the YMCA

Special Thanks
A big THANK YOU to Georgia Papaioannou, Lecturer in Neuropsychology at our Psychology Department and to Magda Ouzouni, Psychologist at Alzheimer Hellas for the scientific supervision of the event, to Nena Evgeniadou, Part-time Lecturer at our Psychology Department, as well as to our student volunteers (Fenia Tsaousi, Dimitris Panagos and Spiros Torofias) from our postgraduate programme in Cognitive Neuropsychology and Clinical Neurospychology, who participated in the event!


The following event will take place in Thessaloniki, in Greek

Free memory test day by CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and YMCA


Τετάρτη, 20 Μαρτίου 2024

9:00-14:00 | Ιστορικό κτήριο Χ.Α.Ν.Θ. | Θεσσαλονίκη


Το CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, η Ελληνική Εταιρεία Νόσου Alzheimer και Συγγενών Διαταραχών (Alzheimer Ελλάς) και η Χ.Α.Ν.Θ. διοργανώνουν Ημέρα Δωρεάν Εξέτασης Μνήμης με αφορμή την Ημέρα Περιθάλποντα Ατόμων με Άνοια, που έχει οριστεί τα τελευταία χρόνια η 17η Μαρτίου.

Ποιος μπορεί να συμμετέχει
Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι (άνω των 55 ετών) θα έχουν τη δυνατότητα να κάνουν δωρεάν προληπτικό έλεγχο μνήμης με τη χρήση κατάλληλων ειδικών τεστ. Οι συμμετέχοντες θα ενημερώνονται επιτόπου σχετικά με την αξιολόγηση του τεστ και θα τους δίνονται οι αντίστοιχες οδηγίες. Δεν απαιτείται η κράτηση θέσης. Τα τεστ θα διενεργούνται στις εγκαταστάσεις της Χ.Α.Ν.Θ. με σειρά προτεραιότητας κατα την προσέλευση.

Διάρκεια εξέτασης
Τα τεστ θα διαρκούν 10-15 λεπτά και θα γίνονται με μορφή ερωταπαντήσεων.

Επιστημονική επιμέλεια
από την Alzheimer Ελλάς και τον Τομέα Νευροψυχολογίας και Νευροεπιστημών του CITY College
Μία ομάδα καταρτισμένων επιστημόνων από την Alzheimer Hellas και τον Τομέα Νευροψυχολογίας και Νευροεπιστημών του Τμήματος Ψυχολογίας του CITY College θα αναλάβουν την επιστημονική επίβλεψη της δράσης. Στην δράση συμμετέχουν εθελοντές φοιτητές του μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος στην Γνωστική Νευροψυχολογία και στην Κλινική Νευροψυχολογία του CITY College.

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Free memory test day by CITY College, Alzheimer Hellas and YMCA


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